08. Docker – Implementation => Docker Install

Docker – Implementation => Docker Install

How to used docker without installing to our machine?

To run docker resurse can be not enough in our machine, so then go to this site play with docker for that..




Docker containers are originally run on LINUX OS. Later Docker made its platform available for other operation systems. But simple limitation. Limit - Docker was running inside LINUX based virtual machine on top of the operating system. So Docker can run in multiple OS, but still LINUX is the middle man. But recently release Docker can run now natively on the windows. Linux support is not needed and Docker container run on windows kernel itself.

To run Docker on windows you need,

64 bit windows 10(pro,Edu,Stu), Enable hyper-V,  Enable virtualization.

IF you want to run Docker on older version on windows, you need Docker tool for that. Docker needs type one hypervisor in windows it is hyper-V. Hyper-V is a lightweight virtualization solution build on top of the hypervisor framework, so you don’t not need to virtual box and just want to enable hypervisor and virtualization.



Note: Hyper–V should be enabled in windows.


Go to above URL and download and install the docker.


Verify docker is installed or not

In the CMD

01. docker -version




Test Docker with run hello world

02. docker run hello-world

03. See image => docker images

04. See running container => docker container ls

05. See container status => docker ps -a



I am installing Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 but bellow guide is valid with other versions also.

There are multiple ways which we can install Docker on Ubuntu (like: package way,script way,repository way etc.).Go and see....




I am using : Install using the convenience script

Uninstall older version 

In the terminal

01. $ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc

Install using the convenience script


02. $ curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh

03. $ sudo sh get-docker.sh

If you would like to use docker as non-root user, you should now consider adding your user to the "docker" group with somthing like:

04. sudo usermod -aG docker your_pc_name   

   sudo usermod -aG docker your-user

      // sudo usermod -aG docker lahiru



Verify docker is installed or not

05. docker -version


Test Docker with run hello world

06. docker run hello-world

07. See image => docker images

08. See running container => docker container ls

09. See container status => docker ps -a


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