06. Docker – Architecture

 Docker – Architecture

When we run a container, what is happening inside a docker engine? 

Same process describe from bellow image also.

If we want to store data in container, we have different drivers for that – overlay2  

When destroy the container, sored data also destroyed. That’s way volume is coming. When destroy, data can be stored in the volumes.

01. Docker client request hello-world container from docker deamon.

02. Containerd is responsible to manage the lifecycle of the container.

03. Runc is responsible to create containers.

Name space and control group.

Name space වලින් යම් process එකක් run වෙන්න ඕනේ කරන isolated area එකක් වෙන් කර දෙන අතර C-GROUPS හෙවත් control groups වලින් කරනුයේ එම process එක run වෙන්න අවශ්‍ය කරන resources limit කිරීමයි.

01. Name space

Take the operating system and from that model it in to multiple isolated virtual operation system. It is like virtual machine process.

Namespace එක මගින් container එකකට පහත ඒවා දෙනු ලබයි.

Process id

netId හෙවත් network id එකක් - වෙන වෙනම network layer එකක් දෙනවා controller වලට.


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