05. Docker - Docker vs Hypervisor

Docker vs Hypervisor

In Hypervisor,

There are 2 Types of Hypervisors.

01. Bare metal hypervisor – it is directly work with the hardware. I have hardware, then I create emulator environment (another OS which can run application/ do virtualization).

02. Host OS Hypervisor – I have hardware I have OS and top of that I have hypervisor, then I create emulator environment (another OS which can run application/ do virtualization).I take a software (Virtual Box) and install it on the OS and then do virtualization.

Bare metal hypervisor vs Host OS Hypervisor

In the long term production environment, there’re some problem can be occurred in Host OS Hypervisor. Hard ware – OS – Hypervisor – Different OS – Applications. This is a complicated architecture as well as before build this architecture I want a OS running on it. This is cause to low performance.

In Bare metal hypervisor, 

I just need hardware which has integrated, in build hypervisor with it. In this architecture I can pick different different OS as my choice and run (Can do virtualization).scale up can be easily do. There is low performance issue.

In the business perspective – Type One hypervisor is good.

In the personal perspective – Type Two hypervisor is good.

මෙහිදී OS එකේ image එකක්ම ගන්න නිසා hypervisor එක උඩ OS run වෙනවා.මේකත් යම් යම් අවස්ථා වල අවුලක්.මොකද, එකට machine එකේ resources ගොඩක් වැය වෙනවා - CPU, memory එක ගොඩක් යනවා සහ OS සල්ලි ගෙවලා ගණන වෙන නිසා ලොකු investment එකකුත් කරනන් වෙනවා.

In Docker,

නමුත් docker වලදී කරන්නේ application එක developed  කල සහ run වන OS එකේ image එකක්ම ගන්නේ නැතිව application එක run වෙන්න ඕනේ කරන සියළුවම දේවල් සහ එම application එක, තනි container එකක් ඇතුලට දාලා එම container එක අනෙත් environment වලට දීමයි.එම container එක container runtime environment එකක් උඩ run කරවාගන්න පුළුවන්.Container එකක් යනු කුමක්ද යන්න ඉදිරියේදී විස්තර කරනු ලබයි. We take application + dependencies + OS environment (OS environment can be taken from docker hub as an image)

Hypervisor vs Docker


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