07.Setting the development environment

Setting the development environment

01.  node –go  https://nodejs.org/en/ and download, then install.

02.  npm –when we install the node , npm is also installed.

03.  anguler CLI – npm install -g @angular/cli  

To check: node –v Or node –version in CMD

 Angular CLI provides command line tools start building fast, add components and tests, and then instantly deploy.

We can use text editors like sublime, atom, visual studio code etc...

Visual studio code-https://code.visualstudio.com


04.  ng new myApp  - create your first Angular app.

05.  cd myApp  - Navigate to your app.

06.  ng serve  - Start your server to run app.


07.  Creating a model – Example : ng g m sample-module

ng generate module <name> [options]

ng generate m <name> [options]

ng g module <name> [options]

ng g m <name> [options]


08.  Creating a component – Example : ng g c sample-component

ng generate component <name> [options]

ng generate c <name> [options]

ng g component <name> [options]

ng g c <name> [options]


09.  Service– Example : ng g s sample-service

ng g s <name>[options]


10.  Class – Example : ng g cl sample-class

ng g cl <name>[options] --type=model


11.  Model class – Example : ng g cl sample-model --type=model

ng g cl <name>[options] --type=model


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