04. Architecture overview - Important files of angular application.

Architecture overview - Important files of angular application. 


This is the main configuration file which contain everything from starting point to output. We can define everything in this file.

node_modules folder.

Everything which we download from npm is stored in this folder.


That contain dependencies (library or modules) that are required the angular app to work. Packages listed in this files get installed, when you run the command ng new appName. All the packages get install inside the node_module folder. 

src folder,

This folder contain every required files.

  1. main.ts – it is the entry point of angular application. 
  2. App folder - Contains the all components files in which application logic and data is defined. Basically contain the business logic and the code which is required for the view. 
  3.  App.module.ts – root module 
  4.  App.components.ts – root components 
  5. Assets folder - This contain all the image ,styles , scripts and assets files which will be copied as is when you build your application to other end moments or when you deploy your application to the production environment.


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