01. Introduction


Angular යනු client side single page web applications develop කරන්න Google සහ Microsoft සමාගම් විසින් හදුන්වා දෙන ලද framework  එකකි (Part of the view refresh asynchronously, not reload entire page). එහිදී AngulerJS  ලෙස මුල්ම version එක 2010 වසරේ හදුන්වා  දෙනු  ලබූ  අතර  (Angular 1.0 is known as AngularJS) අතර  2016 දී  දෙවන version  එක ලෙස Angular 2 හදුන්වා  දෙන ලදී.මේ  වන විට  AngularJS (Angular version 1),Angular version 2,3,4,5,6,7 ... ලෙස version  කිහිපයක්ම release කර ඇත .

In the single page application (SPA)

SPA  වල්දී  user යම් event  එකක් ඇතිකලම (click  on  a button, click on a  link ) server  එකෙන්  entire html page  එකක්ම ගේන්නේ නැතිව,user ගේ event  එකට  අදාල data ටික විතරක් ගෙනල්ලා dynamicallypage rewrite කරනවා .මේක Angular app speed වෙන්න එක හේතුවක් වෙනව (Part of the view refresh asynchronously, not reload entire page).


AngularJS සහ Angular (v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, ..) අතර වෙනස්කම්.



  1. Angular1.0.
  2. JavaScript-based front-end web framework.
  3. Doesn’t support dynamic loading of the page.
  4. AngularJS is a simple JavaScript file which is used with HTML pages and doesn't support with server side
  5. programming languages.
  6. AngularJS uses the concept of scope or controller.




  1. Version beyond 2+.
  2. Typescript-based full-stack web application framework.
  3. Supports dynamic loading of the page.
  4. Angular uses of Microsoft's Typescript language, which provides Class-based Object Oriented Programming,
  5. Static Typing, Generics etc. So , support with server-side programming languages.
  6. Instead of scope and controller, Angular uses hierarchy of components as its primary architectural characteristic.


Using Angular,

Angular බාවිතා කරමින් desktop applications, mobile applications වගේම web application develop කරන්න පුලුඑවන්. 

  1. Desktop applications: Angular facilitates you to create desktop installed apps on different types of operating systems i.e. Windows, Mac or Linux by using the same Angular methods which we use for creating web and native apps.
  2. Native applications: you can build native apps by using Angular with strategies from Cordova, Ionic, or Native Script.
  3. Progressive web applications: Progressive web applications are the most common apps which are built with Angular. Angular provides modern web platform capabilities to deliver high performance, offline, and zero-step installation apps.

Full Stack Development

Angular is a complete framework of JavaScript. It provides Testing, animation and Accessibility. It provides full stack development along with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

  1. Testing: Angular provides Karma and Jasmine for unit testing. B y using it, you can check your broken things every time you save. Karma is a JavaScript test runner tool created by Angular team. Jasmine is the testing framework form unit testing in Angular apps, and Karma provides helpful tools that make it easier to us to call our Jasmine tests whilst we are writing code.
  2. Animation Support: Angular facilitates you to create high-performance, complex choreographies and animation timelines with very little code through Angular's intuitive API.
  3. Accessibility: In Angular, you can create accessible applications with ARIA-enabled components, developer guides, and built-in a11y test infrastructure.



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